FSEN 2019 - 8th IPM International Conference on Fundamentals of Software Engineering - IPM, Tehran,Iran
V Scientific Day - Unicam, Camerino, Italy
V Scientific day – Unicam, Camerino, Italy
INS 12th World Congress - Montreal, Canada
Conference NEUROTECHNIX - Rome, Italy
Conference IJCCI-NCTA - Rome, Italy
ECCS14 - Satellite: DyM-CS - Dynamics of Multilevel Complex Systems, Lucca, Italy
IV scientific day – Unicam, Camerino, Italy
Invited Speaker
Algoritmic Aspect of Temporal Graphs II, ICAL19 - Patras, Greece
Introduzione al Machine Learning - I.I.S. “E. Mattei”, Recanati, Italy
Topological data analysis: from data to knowledge - IMT , Lucca, Italy
Tutorial on Topological data analysis - KDWeb 2016, Cagliari, Italy
Nuove ed emergenti prospettive per la società digitale, On line
Virtual Workshop - Future Tech Week, Camerino, Italy